
Rail Infraestructures

La Concordia Station

The historic Adif Ancho Métrico Station at La Concordia underwent a major refurbishment completed in August 2007. It is one of the unique buildings in the Bilbao Ensanche. Inaugurated in 1902, it was designed by the engineer Valentín Gorbeña and the architect Severino Achúcarro.

Given the significant pedestrian flow around the station, improving this traffic was one of the objectives of the project, which was achieved by providing the station with greater urban permeability with a new access. The works were also aimed at ensuring that the station would be perceived and recognised as such from the square behind the nearby Abando station.

The work carried out by BILBAO Ría 2000 in the area surrounding the station was completed with the pedestrianisation and renovation work on Calle José Mª Olábarri, which was carried out in collaboration with Bilbao City Council.


  • Remodelling date: 14 August 2007
  • A new lobby connects Calle José María Olabarri and Calle Bailén
  • Construction of a platform access from José María Olabarri
  • Painting of the classical facade and renovation of the station roof
  • Redevelopment of Calle José María Olabarri

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